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科技常识:css 透明度的设置兼容所有浏览器
发布时间:2024-10-03 10:35:18        浏览次数:3        返回列表

今天小编跟大家讲解下有关css 透明度的设置兼容所有浏览器 ,相信小伙伴们对这个话题应该有所关注吧,小编也收集到了有关css 透明度的设置兼容所有浏览器 的相关资料,希望小伙伴们看了有所帮助。

复制代码代码如下: .transparent_class {filter:alpha(opacity=50);-moz-opacity:0.5;-khtml-opacity: 0.5; opacity: 0.5;} UPDATE: I wanted to pull this post out of the archives and update it a bit because it there seems to be a good amount of interest in this subject.

Here is what each of those CSS properties is for:

opacity: 0.5; This is the “most important” one because it is the current standard in CSS. This will work in most versions of Firefox, Safari, and Opera. This would be all you need if all browsers supported current standards. Which, of course, they don’t. filter:alpha(opacity=50); This one you need for IE. -moz-opacity:0.5; You need this one to support way old school versions of the Mozilla browsers like Netscape Navigator. -khtml-opacity: 0.5; This is for way old versions of Safari (1.x) when the rendering engine it was using was still referred to as KTHML, as opposed to the current WebKit.

